Safety is essential in any type of work and you may have heard that you shouldn’t hit two hammers together. In this post, we’ll explain why this is the case.

why should you never hit two hammers together

When two hammers are hit together, there is a potential for the heads to fly off and become projectiles. Even if the head doesn’t fly off, the impact can damage the handle, making the hammerless effective or even unsafe to use.

Another reason not to hit two hammers together is that it can damage the head of the hammer. Over time, the impact of two hammers hitting each other can cause the metal to deform and become misshapen. This can make it difficult to use the hammer for its intended purpose.

Real Experiences from people who hit two hamers together;

Below are three from Finehomebuilding some first-hand experiences of people that hit two hammers togethers;

“. . . when I was a youngster I too struck two hardened surfaces together, a sledgehammer onto an ax, trying to split an ornery piece of firewood. The result was a large razor sharp chip deeply slicing my leg.”

“. . . my final strike caused the hammer head to EXPLODE, leaving a marble size pellet missing from the hammer head and a corresponding hole in my leather apron, my denim jeans and my kneecap.”

“When I was 12 years old I built my first tree-house. At the end of one workday I was walking up the driveway to my house in Atlanta carrying 2 hammers and banging the heads together in a typically vigorous 12 year old way. Suddenly a searing pain erupted in my left pointer finger knuckle as a hot piece of hammer-head shrapnel flew into my hand.”

As you can see, there are many dangers associated with hitting two hammers together. It is best to avoid this activity altogether to ensure your safety and the longevity of your tools.

Safety precautions when using a hammers

If you must use a hammer, there are some safety precautions you can take to minimize the risk of injury.

  1. Wear protective gear: When using a hammer, be sure to wear gloves and eye protection. This will help to protect your hands and eyes from flying debris.
  2. Inspect your tools: Before using a hammer, inspect it to ensure that the head is firmly attached and that there are no cracks or damage.
  3. Use the proper hammer: Use the appropriate hammer for the job at hand. For example, a claw hammer is not designed for pounding nails.

By following these safety precautions, you can help to avoid accidents and injuries when using a hammer.


Q: Isn’t it okay to hit two hammers together if they’re the same size and type?

A: No, it is not advisable to hit two hammers together regardless of their size or type. There is always a risk of the heads flying off or sustaining damage.

Q: Why is it dangerous to hit two hammers together?

A: Hitting two hammers together can be dangerous for a number of reasons. The heads can fly off and become projectiles, or the impact can damage the handle, making the hammer less effective or even unsafe to use. Additionally, over time, the impact of two hammers hitting each other can damage the head of the hammer, causing the metal to deform and become misshapen.

Q: What are some safety precautions I can take when using a hammer?

A: Some safety precautions you can take when using a hammer include wearing gloves and eye protection, inspecting your tools before use, and using the appropriate hammer for the job at hand. Additionally, be sure to follow any safety instructions that came with your hammer.

Q: Is it true that hammers don’t touch when hit together?

A: There is a popular myth that hammers don’t touch when they’re hit together. However, this is not true. The heads of the hammers will indeed touch when they’re struck together. However, the handles are designed to absorb the impact and prevent the heads from touching. This helps to reduce the risk of injury.

Q: Is it possible to have hammer to hammer explosion?

A: While it’s unlikely, it is possible for the head of a hammer to explode when hit together with another hammer. This can be extremely dangerous, as the flying debris can cause serious injury or even death. If you must use two hammers together, be sure to wear protective gear and inspect your tools before use.

Q: What should I do if the head of my hammer flies off?

A: If the head of your hammer flies off, stop using the tool immediately and inspect it for damage. If the head is cracked or damaged, do not use the hammer again. Be sure to dispose of it properly so that no one else is injured by it. Additionally, if you are injured by a flying piece of the hammer head, seek medical attention immediately.


Hitting two hammers together is dangerous and should be avoided. If you must use a hammer, be sure to wear gloves and eye protection, inspect your tools before use, and use the appropriate hammer for the job at hand. Additionally, follow any safety instructions that came with your hammer. If the head of your hammer flies off, stop using the tool immediately and seek medical attention if you are injured.

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